• Meet new people and be a part of a group of parents and teachers working together for a common goal.
• Stay informed and learn how HSA dollars are spent.
• Money raised directly impacts the Joseph Greenberg School (students and teachers).
• HSA sponsors & promotes: Online Uniform Store, School Dances, Dudes Date, Dress Down Days, Scholastic Book Fair, Mums sale, Trunk or Treat, Holiday Boutique, Roller Skating and Ice Skating parties, Spring Fair, School facilities and enhancements, Spiritwear, Pretzel Days, Kona Ice, Staff Appreciation Luncheons…..and more!
Stay Informed About Upcoming Events & Meetings: • Follow us on Facebook - Joseph J. Greenberg - Home and School Association and on Instagram - @greenberghsa
HSA Membership is only $15 per family
How do I sign up??
Cash or Check (Payable to "Greenberg HSA"), send into school in an envelope with child(ren)'s name, room number(s), and parent email.
Online w/ Credit Card